about us


industry experience

we represent 20+ years of investing & investment management experience...


track record with international investment houses

...gained at global companies such as Black Rock Asset Management, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America as well as European firms such as Irish Life and SEB Life


expertise in multiple investment-related disciplines

we draw on a wide range of specialties, including equity and fixed income, portfolio management, fund research, product development & marketing, governance, investment consulting & advisory, and education & training
Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I may remember.
Involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin
1706 - 1790

our philosophy: our vision is our mission


finance is for everyone

we think that finance should be accessible to everyone. For this reason, we have developed our program with a wide cross-section of learners in mind, from students to practitioners, from investors to hobbyists, and from the naturally curious to the keenly inquisitive!


studying finance
should be fun and memorable

for learning to make a lasting impression, it must be entertaining as well as informative, so we have woven a number of creative ideas into our program to pique your imagination. These include storytelling,  which often involves historical figures, an engaging content, animation, math "games", diverse quiz types and hands-on, interactive workbooks


learning by doing

learning is much more than a one-directional, passive intake of information. For it to be effective, there should be a two-way flow, a dynamic interaction between the inquiring mind and the study subject - an intellectual feedback loop for the acquisition and application of knowledge! 


our guiding philosophy:
full-spectrum learning

we have pulled these threads together to develop a methodology which is based on four key foundations... 

conceptualise. | visualise. | simulate. | analyse. | LEARN

the four pillars of our methodology



The most important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.

Sir William Bragg
1862 - 1942

we break down seemingly complex financial concepts into bite-sized, digestible "morsels" of knowledge. Using these building blocks, we then introduce progressively more advanced ideas and their applications to encourage independent inquiry as well as enduring learning and retention



Visualisation is
daydreaming with a purpose.

Bo Bennett

through story-telling, the use of intriguing narratives, vivid pictures and lasting mental imagery, we bring disparate financial concepts to life, helping you to visualise their role and function in everyday settings



I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.

Zhuang Zhou
369 BC - 286 BC

our interactive workbooks are designed to help you develop a deeper understanding of each topic through simulation and "what-if" analysis, giving you the freedom to specify or modify your input assumptions and observe how these affect the outputs - and how and why?



Knowing is not enough.
We must apply.

Willing is not enough.
We must do.

Bruce Lee
1940 - 1973

using hypothetical but realistic examples, we provide context and application for each financial concept, allowing you to experience it at work in a "real life" environment

ready to begin your journey?

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